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Don't Lead Your Life, Let Your Life Lead You


Occasionally it is necessary to just "let go of the wheel"
of your life.
You are holding on too tight,
trying to maneuver every twist and turn,
and just like any high performance vehicle,
if you let go in a seemingly treacherous spin,
it will self correct.

You have already told your navigation system 
many times where you wish to go.
Now, just let it lead you there.
Some of the best experiences in any trip are the ones that are 
unplanned and totally off the beaten path.

And if you stop steering so hard toward a goal,
and let yourself be lead by your life,
you WILL get to where you want to go!

But instead of such a severely focused gaze,
you can traverse each twist and turn with your arms
thrown up in the air!
Yep, that's right!
Let go, and let your life lead you there!

You will have a much more enjoyable and interesting ride,
and REALLY isn't all about the journey?

They Just Keep Moving The Line


It seems in life that just as you get to the finish line,
the completion of a task,
the meeting of a deadline,
the "best" that you can do,
they move the line!

Does that happen to piss you off?
or keep you interested?
Does it feel exhilarating?
or exhausting?
All of the above!

Because you are eternal, 
you will never be "done".
There will always be a mountain to climb.
but we know you, 
even at the summit, you are planning your next climb.

You think you need a rest,
but you would not be here if that was the case.
There are too many things to peak your interest.
It is a veritable smorgasbord of experiences to choose from!

Stay engaged,
keep your eye on the prize,
but remember, just when you think it's over...
they've moved the line!

Time To Be Still


This is a time now to be still,
and listen to the wisdom that is 
hidden in the spaces between the words.

Next month there will be the next big 
wave of energy,
so this is the exhale, the sigh,
before the breath.

It feels as if nothing is happening,
projects seem stalled,
phone calls unreturned.

Let it be.

Now is not the time to push,
the acceleration will happen in August,
so just take this time to rest,
softly set intentions toward the goals
you want to see fulfilled once the energy ramps up again.

Get used to these down times,
they are a respite and you will wish for them,
once things get up and going again.

Use this time wisely,
stay soft and gentle,
and you will get the inspiration you seek.
Once you do, put it in your pocket and 
keep it there, safe and sound.

Touch it occasionally, to make sure it's still there,
knowing you will use this new wisdom, 
these new ideas that were whispered to you when you were quiet,
when the time is right.

Trust this process, 
and you will know.

Do You Have The Courage?


Do you have the courage?
To be yourself?
To not follow the crowd?
To meet YoUR OWN standards?
To march to your own drum?
Do you have the courage?

Do you have the courage?
To go left when everyone else around you goes right?
To know that on the other side of darkness
there is always the light?
Do you have the courage?

Do you have the courage?
To smile for no apparent reason?
To laugh out loud in a crowd?
To wear a hat no matter the season?
To stand out, tall and different, and proud?
Do you have the courage?

Do you have the courage?
When everyones eyes are on you,
To always speak your truth?
To never compromise your convictions?
Even when you can show little proof?
To set the example, to start the trend?
Do you have the courage my friend?

Energy Pickpockets


Be aware when you are in groups or crowds,
of the energy pickpockets.
They are the ones that stand very close,
engage in simple conversation,
ask a lot of questions,
and then they are gone.

But that's when you notice something is missing!
you feel as if your energy has been stolen from you.
You are suddenly weak and tired,
and you can't quite figure out why.

You have been visited by an energy pickpocket!
They really do exist
Most aren't even aware they are doing it,
but it is how maintain their own vibration.
They are able to pick, in a room full of people,
the ones with the highest energy.

They do not practice meditation,
or prayer, or any kind of spiritual up lifting.
They gravitate to those that do,
and they siphon off some of your energy 
as part of an unfair exchange.

Every encounter you have is an energy exchange.
If you could see it terms of pure energy,
it would look like colored streams of light going back and forth
between each person.
The best interactions are those that are balanced, 
where the energy is exchanged equally.

We are talking now about an un fair exchange.
There are those that in the course of their encounter with 
you, the ones with higher energy, that
take without giving anything in return.
that leaves the "giver" feeling weak and exhausted.

Now that I'm saying this, you can all think of a time 
and person where this has occurred.
So now that you know, be more conscious
in your interactions with those you are just meeting.
Is the exchange energetically equal?
Or have you been visited by an Energy Pickpocket?



Hello Men!
We are here today to ask you to embrace your maleness,
your masculinity.


These are thought to be traditional male traits,
and although they sometimes carry a negative connotation,
they can be worn with distinction,
as a MAN.

The trouble comes when you fail to make a complete
transition from boyhood to manhood.
Then these beautiful gifts are misunderstood 
and misused.

Let yourselves step into what it truly means to be a man.
Feel pride in your gender.

When the transition from being a boy, with that lack of self control,
is complete and all the rough edges have smoothed away,
then you have masculinity tempered with wisdom and heart.

There is a sense of responsibility that we want you to feel 
as you carry your
and Courage into the world.

A boy is reckless with these amazing attributes
and can abuse them, using them as weapons.

Walk as a man thru the world.
Proud and tall.
With an intention of service.

Then feel a renewed confidence,
as you navigate your Strength
with the beauty of your Courage
and Wisdom mixed with Power.
There is nothing more beautiful !

You Are Loved


Even on your darkest day,
when you think you are lower than dirt.
we can guarantee you there are at least 3 people in the world 
who love you.

3 is not 100 we know!
But it is better than 0,
and it is more than "a couple".

It is"a few"
It is "several"
That sounds nice "Several people love me".
And...It is true!

We would probably be safe in saying one is your mother,
definitely your pet!
but there are people whom you have touched that you're not even aware of.

There are people from your childhood,
your first crush,
the teacher that really got who you were,
your best friend,
that still hold you in a special place in their hearts.

Take a few minutes and think of several people
who have touched you.
Think of the people you love and have loved.

Once you open your heart to another's 
there is an imprint, on both,
that even anger,
even the passage of time
even distance cannot alter.

So you've left an imprint on theirs as well, 
and just like it happens to you every so often,
the memory of this person, this love , washes over you
like a warm breeze,
so too does your face cross their mind.

And In that moment 
You Are Loved



Be judicious with your words.
They can fill someone's heart with joy,
or slash it to bits like a thousand swords.

Think twice before you speak your "truth"
Will it add to a dialogue?
Or does it ride on the back of someone
else's self worth?

Words have energy 
each and every syllable a color.
Do yours blend to form a rainbow?
or do they collect in a stream of blackness?

Be proud of what you could be overheard to say,
beware of the whisper of gossip,
think of the persons face
if they heard what your words convey.

Words are living
but they can kill,
someone's spirit,
a person's confidence,
another's will.

Independence Day


Today in the US you celebrate your independence.
Every country wants to have the freedom to 
act autonomously, without restraint.

This desire starts in the hearts of its people.
Freedom is God given
It does not have to be earned.

Every soul knows this at some level.
It may run deep and have to be brought to the surface
by a series of events, 
or it may color every thought, word and deed of 
a "free spirit".

Humanity is shaking off the shackles of repression.
Either self inflicted, or at the hand of another.
No longer will your souls tolerate someone else calling
the shots for YOU.

It ranges all the way from a government's iron fist,
to your own self talk of doubt and fear.
Both of these represent a loss of freedom.
The freedom to be who you really are.

So on this day of celebrating US independence,
and watching it unfold in other countries around this wonderful
planet, keep in mind that freedom has many faces,
it may look different to each one of you.


A Journey With No Map


You are pioneers,
and like all great adventurers who set out
for parts unknown,
you have no map.

And just like all great explorers,
you have the fire of adventure in your hearts,
and a vague sense of the direction in which
to take your steps.

But as you can imagine,
there were surprises,
and changes in plans, when these explorers
encountered mountains, rivers, even oceans
along the way.

The path is open, the horizon flat,
and then just as they are making progress....
for which they are unprepared.

Traveling light, as you must on any great
the weather could start out temperate,
and by the end of the week
they would encounter great heat,
or even more difficult,
growing elevation, and snow!

Now here is what all great adventurers do 
in course of their journeys when faced with obstacles.
First they chart a map, for those that are to follow,
so others will not encounter the same surprises.

Then, they face the challenge, the changes,
with curiosity, fearlessness, and grace.
By grace we mean they take some time to 
check in with their gut, their inner compass,
and then use the skills they have acquired along
the way, to navigate around or even over or thru
these seemingly impossible obstacles.

You get what we are saying.
You are these explorers,
and like them, this new energy,
this new way of being, is uncharted,
and without precedent,
so there are no maps.

You will be the ones who will chart the way
for the others to follow,
although it will be just be an outline,
with the rapid rate of the changes ahead.

And like the others, you have, 
and will continue to demonstrate,
your grace
in the face of these mountains,
these rivers, these oceans that 
seem to block your path.

Leap Of Faith II


The biggest Leap of Faith we are asking you to take,
and the one that is the hardest for most of you,
is the belief that things are getting better.

In other words, we are asking you trust what we say,
and not what you see all around you.
What appears to be happening.

You have moments of really being brilliant at this,
seeing all the beauty and goodness around you...
and then the bottom drops out!
You see something on the news,
uneven political decisions,
violence in other countries
or you witness some unkind act,
violence in your own neighborhood,
and you get sucked back into believing that
things have gone to hell, or more accurately,
you begin to think hell has come and taken up residence
here on earth!

Nothing could be further from the truth.

We know that often does not resonate with you.

Here is where this enormous Leap is required.
Here is where your trust in light over dark,
the belief that all things are seeking balance,
and the Earth, and humanity and even your bodies,
are all self correcting on the highest level, comes into play.

When it looks as if things have all gone horribly wrong...
just take a breath...or three...and wait.
The pendulum will swing back to center,
It always does.

By the laws of the Universe, everything seeks balance.
It will self correct.

If the process bothers you too much,
quit watching it!
Send light and love and look away,
Walk away if you must, 
but don't add YOUR worry and anxiety,
and momentary lack of Faith to a process in motion.

Hold the Faith that there has NEVER been a better time.
Take the Leap that there is more light and more love
present on the Planet, 
and in the hearts of men, 
than at any other time, 
and it is growing and excellerating at an epic pace!

You have reached and surpassed critical mass,
and the pendulum is on the upswing.
Don't hold your breath,
Inhale deeply...and take the Leap!

Leap Of Faith


We are asking you to take a ginormous leap of faith 
We know!

We are asking you to embrace change,
to walk thru your days open, and aware.

We are asking you to see your life as a great adventure,
to wring the best out of each moment.

We are asking you to dance in the face of chaos and fear.
We are asking you to view each other as connected ,
thru a universal lattice of love.

This is just the tip of the iceberg of what we are asking you to do.
Life is bumpy, and things feel strange.
We know.

We are asking you to take this leap of faith because you asked us to.

EVERYTHING has changed, it could not be more different than the 
energy you were born into.
You have accompanied the planet into a portal that changes by the minute.
This is unprecedented, and we are here to help.

Navigating uncharted territory takes faith.
It takes courage and resolve,
and it takes a sense of humor!

Because you have undertaken such an amazing feat,
know that there is a golden safety net around each one of you,
and the planet.
And every knot was tied by an angel.

So go ahead and leap!

We'll catch you!
