Do You Have The Courage?
Do you have the courage?
To be yourself?
To not follow the crowd?
To meet YoUR OWN standards?
To march to your own drum?
Do you have the courage?
Do you have the courage?
To go left when everyone else around you goes right?
To know that on the other side of darkness
there is always the light?
Do you have the courage?
Do you have the courage?
To smile for no apparent reason?
To laugh out loud in a crowd?
To wear a hat no matter the season?
To stand out, tall and different, and proud?
Do you have the courage?
Do you have the courage?
When everyones eyes are on you,
To always speak your truth?
To never compromise your convictions?
Even when you can show little proof?
To set the example, to start the trend?
Do you have the courage my friend?