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Fake For Another's Sake

Being fake for another's sakecan bite you backjust like a snake.It twists back at you youwhen you're unsuspectingwhen your truth you arenot projectingThe situation you hope to saveby being fake feels like ice has pavedthe slippery slope you hope to traversebut with each stepit just gets worseWhy is better to spare another?when in your truthwould they not see the better person you hope to be?Its not THEIR fault you were untruethat finger points right back at you.You did not trust that they would getthat in your truththere's no regret.So next time stop and listento your heartit tried to warn you from the startBeing fake for another's sakeis not the road you want to take.

Practicing Optimism

Optimist1) A disposition or tendency to look on the more favorable side of events or conditions and to expect the most favorable outcome.2.) the belief that good ultimately predominates over evil in the world.3) The belief that goodness pervades reality.4) The doctrine that the existing world is the best of all possible worlds.Being optimistic can be a challenge these days.But for precisely that reason, we are asking you to try.Optimism is like a muscle, it needs to be used every day,in order to not atrophy.It is A practice, and it does TAKE practice,but you can start to turn your life aroundwith a change in your perception of things,from pessimism to optimism.We are not asking you to whistle a happy tune in the midst of a crisis.It would not feel authentic.Only a Master can walk thru any critical life situation and whistle a happy tune, for inside that level of optimism mastery,the situation would shift before the tune was finished!Isn't that something! It is true!If you can strengthen the muscle of optimism,practicing every day, and then all day,seeing life thru the eyes of an optimist,looking at the world as the best of all possible worlds.No life situation can take you down!Nothing will be able to make you waver!for your attitude is that of expecting the best possible outcome,and if that permeates every fiber of your being,then nothing, NO THING can be otherwise!Every crisis would just dissipate inside that energy,for they are not a match.It is a challenge, we know!But it is a practice that will serve you and the planet.For as you walk thru your day,with your new optimistic spin on things,people will notice, situations will change,and you will become able to actuallyshift the energy of a crisis while in its midst.


Good morning!Now that we have your attention!This subject can be taboo for many,and yet that is how you all got here ;-)Sex is one of the things that has gotten moremisunderstood as you've become more "civilized".The ancients grasped the deeper meaning of sex,and it's connection to the divine.It is the ultimate sharing and connection of two souls in the physical.Think about it,starting with the kiss.A passionate kiss is the sharing of the breath, the life force.Taking the organ that produces speech, but communicatingwithout words.It is a very intimate act, to share another's breath, and it wouldbehoove you to be conscious of that during your next passionate kiss.Not all sex has the intention of merging two souls,it is purely for physical release, and it generally does notinvolve deep kissing.Orgasm is the ultimate act of surrender while still in the body.Actually, death is THE ultimate act of surrender,and the French call orgasm "la petite mort" the little death.At that precise moment you merge with your own divine nature.It only lasts a moment, but it changes you physically.It can activate your central channel, your kundalini,which ignites that fire in your body, but also your soul.You were created to have and enjoy the pleasure of sex.Remember the deeper meaning of its magic and usethe exchange to surrender and open yourself to your higherdivinity.Remember: Love is the ingredient that creates the true alchemy.

Windfall Mentality

Unless you live under a rock,you were recently bombarded with the huge amount of moneythat was available to be won in the lottery.Every week it grew, until in the end , it was trulylife changing kind of money!Even if you never bought a ticket,most of you gave thought to what it would be like tohave that windfall of money, to have millions overnight!It got you thinking about what you would buy immediately.Would you pay off your home?or buy one for your mother?Bills gone, never to worry you again!You could even buy diamonds for friends!Where would you travel to first?Would you go visit a friend?Or did it force you to think bigger.Maybe live in Rome or on a tropical island?Hey, you could purchase your own island!It was that kind of money.What charities would you endow?Your Alma Mater?Cancer research?Homeless causes?Something in Africa?This windfall mentality is really something!It is very useful.It is an energy of hope and possibilities.It gets you to thinking "what if"It stirs the abundance pot and that is always a good thing.Start watching for windfalls in your life now.Because even if you didn't win that lottery jackpot,you have set the energy in motion to fulfill your desires,and the Universe doesn't know there can only be one winner!

Withholding Love

Withholding lovedelivers a life sentence.The wound is self inflicted,loneliness the penance."It's a victimless crime"you say,as you serve your time."No ones heart gets hurt,when I refuse to open mine".Nothing could be further from the truthand how you see it.Withholding love hurts everyone,but the habits hard to quit.It can start as just a reflex,protection from the pain.But living life withholding love,leaves nothing left to gain.The moral of this story,we're telling here today.Is that you leave the world an emptier place,when your love you won't give away.You're living an injustice,for yourself and others too,For your love spreads only happiness,thru the world,but it starts with you.

River of Tears

Doesn't it seem that throughout your lifeyou have cried rivers and rivers of tears?Many songs and poems have been written over time,about the tears fallen over someone or somethingthat you fear you've lost, or a situation gone horribly wrong.Crying is good, it is healthy and actually it is needed.It is a physical manifestation of an energetic release.There are chemicals in tears that signal that release to the body,and there is a surrender that goes along with having a good cry.Often you feel so much better after a bout of crying.If you really let yourself go and let it all out, the releasecan be profound, and you get a kind of re-set.You feel drained, but with a certain clarity you were lackingbefore the tears.The fear you all have around crying, is that once you give intothat feeling and really may never stop.You fear you will spiral down into the depths of sadness,never to return to the surface.That could not be further from the truth, and actually the opposite is true!If you fully surrender to the pain, you can ride the river of tearsto release and relief.There is happiness and better tomorrows around the bend,once you surrender to those tears.Let them fallBless them, they are tiny miracles ofyour human physiology.You will not drown, we promise.

You Have Already Won the Lottery

In the scheme of things and the big picture,being here, where you are right now,is equivalent to winning the cosmic lottery!Sit and take that in, and see if you can remember.There was such excitement and a feeling ofgreat anticipation, as you stood in line.You had given it great thought, with much time spenton careful planning, and you felt that you could contributeyou own special "something" to the soup of humanityas it was hurtling toward the finish line.All your eons of experience and special skills,would be put to the test during this incredible timeon Planet Earth.As you ascended the stairs, toward the front of the line,you could see that many were stepping aside,either with last-minute reservations, orthey realized that the entity behind or beside them,was much more qualified, and could add somethingthey could not to this mission.These beings would stay behind and cheer you on,they would leave you breadcrumbs when you felt lost,and whisper encouragement when you felt alone.As your name was called and you realized " This is it"!you had made the cut, you held that winning lottery ticket,and you were about to be born, to become human again,this time in the 20th century, where there was much to be done,mountains to move, and miracles to accomplish,you smiled, said a prayer, stated your intention....and jumped!And you have never looked back.

It's Okay Not to Be Okay

There are recent celestial occurrences thatare happening in conjunction with large influxesof new , higher, faster energy coming onto the planetThe eclipse and the New Moon, just recently,have facilitated the leaving of the old, to make way for the new.It must happen in this order, for the body cannot integratehigher, faster, cleaner, clearer energy, if it is not a match.By that we mean, there has to be a kind of energy "dump"that takes place before each influx.The "dump" can be gradual, over days or weeks,it usually manifests as cold or flu symptoms,even bad headaches and body aches.And with this latest influx, and the New Moon energy,a lot of negative or heavy energy, which is felt emotionally,just!So.. who reading this had nightmares?Who felt great sadness and even some anger?How about melancholy?There was also some dread, mixed with anxiety!Not a great time, we know, but it was needed.As you release these emotions, this energy,it comes to the surface and you feel it.The slower you go, the gentler the transition.If you choose to "dump" everything fast,you can throw the body into quite a state of flux!Diarrhea, vomiting, migraines, chills, sweating,Looks like a bug, but usually passes fast.Be aware you will need a lot more sleepto help the body in this process.This is a detox before a big influx.You release the old, to make way for the new.Does that make sense to you?On the other side of this "reboot"you will feel so much better!Some of you will feel changed.It can be very subtle, you feel more even,more balanced.Maybe you won't lose your temper as fast,things that used to irritate you just roll off,you'll have a creative outburst,or many new insights into your own life.Believe us when we say, that the physical manifestationsof these energy "dumps" and the subsequent "reboots"can feel quite taxing on the body,but you are all built and wired for this,and you will become better and better at it all!And how you feel on the other side of it all makes it SOworth it!

Another Day In Paradise

When you begin the daydo you know how to make it remarkable?By realizing you reside in paradise.I see you rolling your eyes!But it really is a paradise.It is a living, breathing , constantly changing,gorgeous blue orb, that supports and facilitatesyour lives!The relationship is symbiotic.When she breathes out, you breath in.She is mostly water, as are you.She provides you the songs of the birds,and the softly falling rain, to delight your ears.She provides the canvas for the sunrise and sunsets,to delight your eyes.The ever-changing sky to keep you from becoming bored.Thunder and lightening and auroras to keep you in awe.Deep green valleys, fast blue oceans andgreat expanses of desert.Waterfalls,tide pools, caves filled with crystals,beautiful ice worlds at each pole.Forests filled with the most majestic trees,from top to bottom,every inch teaming with life!All this is for you.Her gift to you.An amazing place to reside,to live and love,to fall asleep under the stars,and wake up to such great beauty!witness now...another day in paradise :)

Know When To Hold 'Em, Know When To Fold 'Em

When taking what you view as a gamble,it is important that you realize when things have run their course,and the opportunity has passed.Once you've laid all your chips on the table,and they start to disappear, much to your chagrin,Gather what is left , and walk away.Don't stay past that point of no returns.If your ego lets you fold 'em,you can leave the table with some dignity intact,and use what is left to start anew.If you wait, expecting your luck to change,and you lose it all,you will feel the greatest humiliation,for not having the good sense to walk away when you sawthe writing on the wall...Loosing everything is a huge learning opportunity,but you can spare yourself the layers of angerand distrust of your instincts,when you just listen closely to the whisper, that tells youAll along the way , just to fold 'em.


Honorhon·or /ˈänər/NounHigh respect; esteem.VerbRegard with great respect.Synonymsnoun. honour - credit - respect - homage - dignity - gloryverb. honour - respect - esteem - venerate - revere - dignifyBestowed upon each soul here is the honor of being human.Once you awaken, it is your your responsibility to live honorably.Human BeingBeing HumanWhen this is done seamlessly,it is a magnificent.When done with honor and integrity,it is a masterpiece!

Don't Bully Your Dreams

You all have a tendency to bully your dreams.But that we mean, call them names, and make them feel worthless.We hear you call a dream of being an artiststupid."no one makes money being an artist, what a stupid idea"!Or a singer. " Don't you know how hard it is to get anywhereas a singer"? " don't be an idiot, get a REAL job"!Your mind will rarely support what your heart desires.It will bully you into submission.It will make you feel as though your dreams are unattainableand you are worthless in their pursuit.When you hear a child say he wants to be an astronaut,or the president of the United States,most people smile and nod.You never hear someone tell a small boy that the spaceprogram is dead, it's financially unsupported, and besides,the shuttles don't fly anymore, so going to space is a bad idea.When a seven year old black girl says she want to be President,most around her smile and think "well,that could actually happen".So... what happens to you?When does the disconnect happen?When do you start to listen to your own doubts?Why do some actually attain their dreams?Because their belief in their dreams is able to overridetheir negative self talk.They are able to silence their inner bully.Please don't bully your own dreams,or those of another.

Transportation of Thought as Emotion

Think for a minute how you get your thoughts,what you are thinking across to others.Think then also how you transfer them as emotion.Somthing you are thinking is making you sad,you cry.Anyone can read that.Someone says something lovely that touches your heart,you cry.A subtle difference that can be felt.You look over while traveling slowly on the freeway,the guy in the car next to you is pounding, hard, onthe steering wheel and you can see his mouth moving.He's thinking he's going to be late, he's cursing...and he's mad.You look away, you totally get that.What if he has earphones in, and he's hitting the steering wheelmore rhythmically, less hard? Mouth moving, singing the lyrics.He's happy and enjoying his music.Similar gestures, completely different message.How are you able to translate these sometimes subtle differences?You all have inside you a kind of emotional guidance system,some might call it empathy.Some of you are brilliant at picking up even the most nuancedthoughts, because you are so tuned into the emotionalsigns.This can be a blessing...and a curse.You are constantly bombarded by everyone's thoughtsas they are carried on their emotions.You "read" people.We have a double message here.we encourage those that have never put this connection together,to start being more empathetic.See a display of emotion, and try to cut thru to the thought process behind it.It will help you navigate people much more deftly.And to those empaths that walk among us?lighten up, learn to turn it off every once in awhile!That is a step in your mastery.Because sometimes a just a tear.

Make A Wish

Now is a very good time to make a wish.There is SO much magic afoot!Let us give you one little trick to help it happen.When making a wish,the secret is to make it lightly,and by that we mean not putting the weight of the worldon the shoulders of a wish.A wish, when executed properly,is alchemy.You are mixing the magic all around you,with a desire.A wish should always be made with a smile on your face!because the final ingredient in this magic mix,is your assurance of the granting of the wish!A frown and doubt will sabotage your wish,making it too heavy to create the alchemy needed inside this magic energy.We are being light, we know!because everything does not have to always be so serious.But there is truth here.Smile,take your desire,wrap it in a wish,close your eyes,and blow...on a candle,on a dandelion,seal the deal with belief.IT IS DONE. ;-)


What is it you see when you look into the eyes of another,and there is that spark of recognition?It is like a shared secret,of adventures past and those to come.It is like a beautiful harmony inside a vast symphony, where somehow you both know the words.You are wired to recognize those with a similar soul'spath.At that moment you can choose to share the journey,by acknowledging the connection,...or simply keep walking.There is no right or wrong, it is simply a choice.Often they are placed in your way ,to nod and ignite that spark,only to let you know you are on the right path.So next time you get that feeling of "do I know you"?Rest assured you are at the right place at the right time.Now, how far you take the up to you.

Litmus Test

Litmus Test2. Fig. a question or experiment that seeks to determine the state of one important factor.Using this definition, it is time to start giving certain things inyour life the litmus test.Should it stay or go?Does it serve you to its fullest potential?Or Is it just a habit?We keep a lot of things in our lives just because they've always been there.But if we start to ask ourselves some of these very insightful questions,we can see if they should continue to help us steer our lives.It can be as mundane as that second cup of coffee, oractually putting a relationship under this new scrutiny.Does it really truly add anything to the quality of your life?A friendship may have gone stale,a book club may have dwindled,a favorite class has gone off course,even a Meditation you've done for ages just doesn't pass the testanymore.These are hard things to change, or to actually give up,but this new energy will start to help you ask the hard questions.Does this thing, person, even job, add to the quality of my life?Some things may just need to be tweaked, others, ended.With quiet consideration, and going to your heart for confirmation,you will know which action to take.Do it with grace and the minimum of drama will follow,and your life will show you its appreciation, by expanding, and growing,and just getting better, and better, and better!

Mistaken Identity

You think when you look in the mirror,that is your identity, who you are,staring is an aspect,the physical aspect of you.But it is not even close to who you really are.Mistaking that image of you in the mirror,for your identity,is like a caterpillar seeing his reflection,and thinking that is all he is.He has no idea what lies just inside,about to emerge.Be grateful when you look at your image,bless the vehicle that carries your soul.But don't for another minute,let it define you to you.You are so much more than that arraignment of atomsand flesh and bone.YOU are the creator of all those things!And you are using them on this adventure.Mistaken identity is your jailer,it keeps you imprisoned and impaired.Like that caterpillar , break free from your straightjacket like chrysalis,and fly free like the butterflies you REALLY are!


Sometimes it is better to remain speechless.And by that we mean not lending your voice to every topic under debate.Even if you have an opinion, there are times when it is better to stand back,rather than take a stand.Letting others argue their sides,while you remain vigilant, yet silent,allows you to process different topics,and get to the heart of how you REALLY feel.If you are always jumping in,the sound of your own voice will tend todilute your truth.You cannot hear another's point of view,while expressing your the same time!Try remaining speechless,listening to each opposing side,every word of another's view,before you say a word.Only speak when your heart can no longerremain silent.You will know the right time.


Is wisdom intellect?Does it originate from the brain?Wisdom is a knowingWhere does THAT come from?Wisdom is an accumulation of knowledge over time.Is it limited to this lifetime?Being wise has nothing to do with being smart.It has everything to do with being quiet.Because inside silence, lie all the answers.But without that wisdom to be still and listen,Your brain will tell you that it will "figure it out", and that is attached to worry.Worrying and ruminating about something, is all in the brain.It is the opposite of Wisdom, because you have lost allthe knowing.You have all knowledge of everything you could EVER want to know,everything you have EVER knownINSIDE you.Silence will take you there,meditation will take you there,the breath will take you there.Be quiet and investigate your own wisdom.Go deep inside and uncover all you know and have known.Your brain can help you navigate life,but you can have no real life at allwithout touching your wisdom.


We hear you all asking....why?It seems as if the worlds gone crazy,and everything feels upside down.We have discussed in the past, the effectsthis new energy would have on people.The lightness and brightness,the swiftness and refinement of it,is making some VERY uncomfortable.When people sense change in the energy around them,they go inside, and deal internally,or they deal externally, and lash out.Here is the bottom line.PLEASE do NOT loose sight of the real facts.The world is getting BETTER!the energy is faster and lighter,and THAT is a GOOD thing!Wrapped around all these events that seem so dark,are story after story of the best humanity has to offer.People ran TOWARD danger, to help others,Daughters carried fathers to safety!There was a minimum of drama, most everyone stayed calm,THAT was a blessing in a crowd that size.Angels in their human disguise were EVERYWHERE!There will be more situations that will dissipatethe chaotic energy in others.Remain focused on surrounding circumstances,there are miracles afoot.Don't buy into the doom and gloom,This is what change can look like,it can be messy.Stay focused on the light.
