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Tempers are flaring out there,that's for sure.But fighting fire with fire,That's not a cure!As the light becomes brighter,the dark turns and bites,You can stand steady and sooth them,or run into their fights.When tempers are flaring,the thing to remember,Don't take their rage personal,it's not yours,so be clever.Their struggle's internal,but the world sees their pain,Practice compassion,show them restraint.An eye for an eye,leaves everyone blind!You can't answer violence,with more of its kind!Tempers are high right now,no one can deny this,be stillness, send light,that will help with their blindness.


Simple thoughts yield simple results.UnclutteredUncomplicated.You all are asking SO much from life!Which is great in a way,but it doesn't feel that way, a lot of the time.Everything feels super sized,You don't just want a sundae,you want it with sprinkles, and nuts, and threedifferent ice creams, all fat-free, and can thewhip cream be on the side?oh, and a cherry on top!With so much going on,you can't taste the individual flavors!Each thing is splendid on its own.Sometimes just too much!Simplify.Start ordering one simple thing from life at a time.See how it tastes,THEN add something to that.maybe, just maybe, it is fine as it is.Simple and uncomplicated.You've all forgotten how to do this.Start with ONE desire,THEN see if you want to add more.Sensory overload is as uncomfortableas sensory deprivation.Slow down,think what you REALLY want from life,start simply,and let the rest fall into place over time.Or not...;)Maybe you already have what you need.

The Road To Prosperity

The road to prosperity is paved with good intention.What we mean by that , is watching you trains of thoughtabout money.Do you wish those that have it, well?Or do you resent them, feeling they have more than their share?Are they greedy? Did they take some of yours?There is infinite prosperity in the universe,no one can take "your share"!Do you feel that charging for your services is somehowunfair?Feeling Guilty, Not being able to figure your worth?Feeling guilty about making money, makes the exchange unbalancedand will start to cause problems.Do you feel it's wrong for any business to make a profit?Do you judge profits as being "too much"?Do you feel that those that " help" people should do it out of thekindness of their hearts and not make any money?You can only really help others when you have enough for yourself.Why would you deny those people a living?Don't you realize you are sending mixed signals to the universe?You cannot wish prosperity for yourself,but resent those that have it.Profits drive commerce.That allows people to buy things from other businesses,to eat at restraunts, to go to the movies,and more importantly, to give it away to others that need it.All charity begins with the fact that there is enough to share, to give away.When you feel you don't have enough, or that others have too much,it will be impossible for the universe to deliver prosperity to you.Watching your intentions and thoughts around moneycan start to change things around for you.

You Cannot See Me, When You're Looking For What's Wrong

I'll be hidden, out of sight,In the middle of a fight.Being snarky?Passing judgement?With nothing nice to say?It will seem that I'm not with you,As I stay above the fray.Don't look for my agreement,when you justify your meanness.I cannot see things as broken,I can only see them whole.While you see someone in ruin,I can only see their soul.We're on separate paths,you and me,When mistakes are all you see.Fault is always found,when you're looking at the ground.Lift your heads up higher,if it's truth that you desire.That is where you'll find me,when you start to see the sun,In the eyes of those around you,there is light in everyone.Consider them as flawless,like I do with you each day.Do the best you can,choose kindness,If that doesn't work...then pray! ;)

A Cautionary Tale

We realize we keep revisiting this scenario,this lecture, this cautionary tale.But...we cannot express strongly enoughthe void that would occur, should you decide to side stepa love because of its painful end.Many of you are having strong feelings of loss and regretregarding loves that never stood the test of time.Remember dear hearts, that to love and lost is SO incredibly,stupendously and magnificently better than never having loved!(to embellish a phrase). :)The depth of the pain equals the depth of the love.Shallow, simple love...doesn't hurt that bad.But fall down, crazy, messy, earth moving,thunder and lightning kind of love....when that ends, it can feel soul shattering!But would you trade those minutes?those hours and days?Who would you be if you'd never felt that?Wanna play life safe do ya???That would be a shameful waste of a human life!You think things would be better, but there would not be that lightbehind your eyes.You cannot un-ring a bell...Once you've loved that deeply, even if you've lost,your heart has stretched and grown and aches to be filled again.Hearts want to soar! you clip their wings with thoughts of regret.Ditch that regret!everything was meant to happen the way it did.There is a divine order to things.He or She was perfect for that time.whether it was 12 hours or 12 years!When you gain the perspective of acceptance,leaving ALL regret behind,Love will rush in and fill that void.

The Anatomy of Joy

If you were to dissect joy,you would see that its origins are found early in your lives.Its existence hinges on this very simple belief,Is the world a good place or a bad place?Does the universe conspire to help you? or hinder you?Those beliefs are crucial to experiencing joy throughout your life,for if you are always struggling, uphill,against what life is "throwing at you",joy will be impossible to find.If you view your life as just a long string of obstaclesthat you need to overcome, joy will be elusive.The foundation of joy, it's life's trust.Developing the ability to lean into life,especially when it gets messy,and believe that all is well.Trust that things will work out for you,they always do.Life is on your side, it is not working against you!This is necessary in your pursuit of joy.But remember, joy can be skittish, it smells fear.If you chase after evaporates.Better then, you just find it around the corners of yourlife, expected, but still surprising.The expectation of joy, calls it in.Hear that.The expectation of joy CALLS IT IN.So it doesn't even have to be pursued,it just appears.THAT could change EVERYTHING!

Change Your Default Setting

We are watching many of you struggle,as this current energy brings up feelings from your past.They are meant to come to the surface to clear,but for many of you, they are sticky, and heavy,and you are "in them" way too long.The pain in your hearts when you revisit these feelings,is so familiar, it is like your default setting.When something causes you pain,like your hand on a hot stove,you are programmed to pull away.But the heat from these old situations,was so frequent and so sustained,that the pain started to feel normal,and you became wounded.Even now as adults, when you feel this heat,you do not pull away, as you should,for self-preservation.The feeling is so familiar, that you almost walk towardthe stove!It's interesting, you will run miles to escape just thethreat of something that "might "cause you pain as adults.You will turn your lives upside down to side step it.But when these hurts from childhood come up tobe healed, you marinate in their familiarity.Please, we caution you at this time,in this energy, as these feelings come up to be cleared,to realize that even heat this old can still burn you,and walk away from the stove.These are burdens you no longer need to carry.Your perception of them, causes the struggle.Pain and sadness are not meant to be sustained.They are indicators that something needs to change.Let the painful feelings come up...and out.Feel them...let them go!Let the wounds heal, finally!Let your default setting change from love.

Staying Expanded

Walking thru your day, start to observe,which situations feel expansive,and which cause you to contract inward.You can be feeling perfectly fine,open and happy,but then traffic slows and you realizeyou will be late for your appointment.What happens next?You feel anger rise up, and at the same timeyou can actually feel your body contract.You may feel your chest get tight,your jaw as well, your breathing gets shallow,your eyes narrow, your hands, which only a few minutes ago,were keeping time to the music from the radio,are now in a death grip on the steering wheel.Those are the physical signs of your energy contracting.It doesn't feel good! and it's not good for you!Once you can start to feel exactly when the contraction occurs,you can stop it in its tracks!Changing your breath can be your pivot point.Taking three deep breaths will start the process.Expansion feels open and easy.Expansion in your body feels good!Your eyes feel open and light.Nothing feels tight, not your jaw,not your chest.Your shoulders are not hunched forward,they are back and down, away from your ears!your hands are relaxed , not clenched in fists.If you become observant you will notice contractionin the body language of others, and our advice...walk away.Nothing positive can be accomplished when you're dealingwith someone who's energy is so pulled in.They can't even hear you, or see you clearly.The same is true for yourself.Recognize that you cannot make good decisionsfrom that contracted place.The energy of anger, fear, sadness, all cause contraction,and you cannot expand toward your best life from that place.There is great power in this realization.Making sure you and those around you are coming from an expandedenergy place before you undertake anything important,will make a huge difference in your life running smoothly.

Erasing Your Past

If you could erase your past, would you?Would that serve you? or ..would it be a gross disservice?Would you just extract the "bad" things that happened?What would be the statute of limitations on how awful it felt?Because, if you think about it, the things that mortified you as a kid,can still trigger that sinking feeling in your stomach.Would you erase those too?How big would the pain have to be for you to erase the experience?What about the time when you were 13 and made a fool of yourself,or so you thought, at that school pool party?Or when you didn't make cheer leading in high school?Would that qualify?What about how you felt when your parents or a teacher saidsomething sharp and cruel?Or that pang of injustice when you were treated unfairly?What about all the bad relationship break-ups?You felt just about as low as a person can go,and the one when you were 18 hurt as much as the one a week ago Friday!Would you erase all of them? Some of them?You would have to wipe from your memory the entire relationship,in order to side step the pain...would you?Do you see what we're getting at?Your past is part of what made you, YOU.As much as some things have hurt you,you HAVE learned and grown from them.Erasing them from your experience altogetherwould leave you hollow, because they happened for a reason.Just think about that today.What would you erase from your past,that you think , if it were gone completely,would make you better?

Eyes And Ears

We've talked a little about this before,but you should really be feeling the recentrecalibration of your eyes and ears.You are having days where your vision is extremely blurry,your eyes may feel scratchy and they may burn.It will be your reading that will suffer,but you will notice it also when driving,and just seeing in general.Your glasses and contacts will seem useless!Don't be alarmed.It is just a stage of your physical recalibration.You may already have experienced this,and you may have also noticed that a couple of days later,your vision is crystal clear.This is not something that will go un noticed,for the colors will be extremely bright,and the clarity will seem like your high-definition TV!The same is true for your hearing.There will be days that you will struggle to hearsomeone speak that is standing right nest to you,or even the radio in the car.Some of you have noticed that the pitch ofthe siren of an ambulance or fire truck either hurts your ears,or you can't hear it at all until they are practically beside you.Again, this is part of your changing physiology.The days you struggle to hear a conversation,will be followed by incidents where you will hear someone whisperfrom the next room,or be able to hear the conversation at a Restraunt three tables away!A bit of patience, and a sense of humor is required.As long as you know these changes are not permanent,don't sweat it! you are on your way to a new normal!


Concentration is a skill.It requires focus and stillness.Sloppy concentration equalsa sloppy life.Certain tasks require your concentration.Driving is one, and these days your focus is challengedby radios and phones, etc.This is an example of external focus.Prayer is a form of focused concentration.Silently reciting words and using prayer beads,help to maintain your focus.Meditation is a form of concentration.It is relaxed focusing.Your mantra and your breath help youmaintain that focus.Both prayer and meditation keep you internally focused.they extract you from outside influences.You are under the misconception that external concentrationand focus determine your life,but it HAS to start within.Just as you can see the adverse consequences of losing yourconcentration while driving.If you find yourself inside a life that you don't like,chances are you lost your internal focus, your concentration,and your life is reflecting that back to you.It is very easy to become distracted and lazy.If you develop that skill of internal concentration,thru prayer or meditation,you are better able to make corrections that are needed.You will get to the place of higher awareness whereall the answers are available, and miracles take place.Practice your internal focus daily,and you will no longer be subject to the choppyenergy of the external world.Your practiced internal concentration,will take you thru chaos and turmoil,into the calmness and serenity of lifelived not just in the world,but of the world.


MothersA mother is an amazing being!She is a miracle of biology,that is capable of creating a human lifeinside her body.There is an innate nurturing instinct,that may not seem evident in every woman,but is indisputable by the fact that their body itself,provides a comfortable home for a developing human being.Every animal and insect,every species on the earth has a mother,and she in turn is the facilitator of new life.This also hold very true for the planet.She is birthing you right now.She is playing her role,as the nurturing mama,who is providing a comfortable home,for a developing human race.Inside a mother's womb there are several stages of development.Each stage brings forth in this new being,new attributes that it will need to navigatethe environment outside the womb,even as it is surviving inside the womb.It grows lungs to breathe air,even thought it is currently in fluid.It grow eyes that need light to see,even thought it is immersed in pitch darkness.Arms and legs, that will be used to live fullyoutside the confines of its current tight space.That is a good analogy for what you are going thrunow as a human being,as the human race.You are being nurtured by Mother Earth,as you marinate in this new energy,just like the fluid inside the womb.There are stages that occur of development,and you have just progressed from the embryonic,to the fetal stage in the development of the human species.You are being held safe, as you develops attributesthat will help you navigate your new outside world.They will seem as foreign as eyes that need lightseem, inside utter darkness.But the baby inside the womb doesn't ask why,It never grows impatient, or fearful.This fetus looks forward to each stage of development,with a knowing that every day is a crucial step towardits new life.It is nurtured, and it feels only gratitude.Return the favor to Mother Earth,send her your deepest gratitude, and trust,as she holds you in her warm embrace,during these important times.

The Legacy You Leave

When war is no longer neededTo settle a scoreNo more banging of the drumOr pounding on the chest,When a father's grievanceshis rage and fear,hold no weight with his sonfor it is not his fight.When mothers take a standand say "No more"!"You may not have my son"" to fight your needless war"!When the land of the earth,under the feet of these men,will not tolerate division,then they will understand.There will be no support,moral or financial ,for such endeavors that kill,in the name of God ,or his brothers.Then THAT will be true freedom,not the one that binds,not the one that wants to own,and imprison,but another kind.This freedom does not say"this is yours and this is mine"It shares all its diversity,the sum of the whole beinggreater than its parts.This day will come,in the not so distant future,let the energy support itit will be your best future,and the greatest legacyto leave your children.

Healing Energy

Does it seem there is a spotlight on matters that need revisiting?That is the full moon energy that is present now.This moon is highlighting the things in your lives thatyou thought were healed, and bringing them to your attentionfor the last time.Partially healed matters can stay under the surface for quite some time,you think they have been dealt with, but hidden like they are,from your attention, they are like a low-grade infection,that keeps you from feeling your best.This brilliant full moon energy started a few days ago,to remind you, or bring to the surface, those things thatneed some final focus.They probably started in your dreams and when you woke up,a song or an image reminded you.It is a feeling of being incomplete, of longing, or regret.These are the emotions that stay submerged for years at a time,they are from your past, and many pages were written in your journals,many tears were shed on their behalf, and so you thought there was closure.This full moon is the final push to the surface of these long forgottenbut still very potent emotions.Like we have reminded you in the past,just observe them as they come to the surface.All they want is your loving attention.With the assistance of this full moon, they will not be harsh,they will not hurt as bad as they have in the past,which is why you buried them deep in the first place.They will just gently come to your minds and hearts,where you can turn them over for one last time,and the light can shine on them for this final healing.

A Thread Runs Thru

You are all so very connected.A thread of energy, of consciousness runs thru all of humanity.The connected nature of this energy can be measured.There are instruments around the planet that chart the rise and fall according to events that occur.These are global events that set off a chain relation of emotion or energy.The death of Princess Diana is one, 911, and the tsunamis in Indonesia and Japan are all examples.No human suffering is isolated.All pain and despair is experienced the same.Nothing is felt by one that is not reflected in the whole.You are a web, where the strength or weakness of one threadcan build up or undermine the integrity of the whole.When you lift another up, thru an act of kindness, or a show of love,it ripples thru the fabric of humanity as well.Love acts to repair the breaks that fear and hate,war and aggression have used to weaken these energy threads.You think you are an island, that only you feel these deep emotions.Think again.A thread runs thru all of humanity, tying you together,uniting you in sorrow and in joy.

Vivid Dreams

One of the side effects of this new energy,are the changes in your dreaming.Where you previously may have remembered your dreams only occasionally,these days, you wake up every day remembering one or two, even three dreams you had that night, in full detail!Even if you were one of those people who never remembered their dreams, you do now!They are epic in scope, picking up where they left off some nights,the stories are complex, and you are remembering every detail.Interestingly , the nightmares are diminishing, you're not frightened when you wake up, just intrigued.Vivid in their detail, the colors are unusually bright and they have an HD clarity. They feel extremely realistic, not those foggy dreams of the past filled with symbols and vague images.Many take place in foreign locations, with people you've never met, but somehow know intimately, some are even todays celebrities.You may have started writing them down, because they are so fresh in your minds when you awake.This is a good idea,for you will, over time,see a common thread in their stories.You are very busy these days as you sleep,working thru unfinished business, relationships,emotions, past lives, etc.Be entertained, be curious, and let these dreams integratethemselves into your conscious mind.They are the story of YOU.

Weather Matters

The weather cycles on the planet help to shift the energy.electrical storms are a good example.When the air become electrified, it literally heats up the atomsand when they get heated up or excited, they vibrate faster.until suddenly they explode in lightning.Wind is similar,it gets the air moving quickly,circulating and mixing the atoms in a new and different way.Kind of a re shuffle of the air particles.The energy the air holds is very important since you move and breathe inside them every minute of every day.the cleanliness of the air after a great wind or a storm is not just a visual illusion. it is real.The emotional energy or consciousness,in a place can often dictate the weather.After a tragedy there can be a rainstorm. Watch for it.It feels as if it mimics the mood, dark and gloomy, but..It changes the ions in the air and literally moves the sadness out.The. likening bolt that hit St Peters after the Pope stepped down was no coincidence. The energy shifted in that moment.Pay attention, you will soon be able to feel it, and know why the weather does what it does.

Do Yourselves A Favor

In the beautiful quick pace of this new energy,there can be, at times, an undercurrent of anxiety.It depends on how each nervous system reacts.Because of the speed,the sparkiness, the heat,that rides along side these times,Our advise, if you are feeling "hot wired",is to keep your nervous system in neutral.Do yourselves a favor and avoid loud sounds,loud music, arguments, alarms, anything that sets yourteeth on edge.Also disturbing media.Very sad or violent movies may be a bad idea if youwant your nervous system to remain in balance.Rushes of adrenalin in some people, will causean anxiety chain reaction.We want to caution you also in the excess use of caffeineand alcohol.When your nervous system feels jangled, or you want to avoid thatfeeling altogether, limit your intake of these substances.Certain people process high energy in their bodies asanxiety, with that fight or flight mechanism in overdrive.You know who you are, and so in order to remaincentered and calm, do yourselves a favor and pay attentionto your consumption.This will not last forever, so pay attention to your body,and this transition will be easier on you.

To Thine Own Self Be True

You all have such kind hearts,putting others before yourself.Fulfilling the wishes and needs of those around you,often putting them ahead of your own.Although it fills your heart to be of service to others,Do not feed them while you starve.Do Not run thru fire without any shoes.There is a fine line between being of service,and self-sacrifice.The most important life,is the one YOU are leading.For without being true to yourself,you are like a rudderless ship,adrift at sea.When you reach your hand out to another,your feet MUST be rooted deeply in the earth.Feeling supported and grounded.Otherwise, when the first winds of adversity blow,you will BOTH loose your footing.A lighthouse may be built on the most precarious cliff,but it's foundation is deep and it's structure strong.That is the only way it can provide its light in a storm.If it has been left in disrepair, abandoned and cold,It will be unable to give any direction to those in need.Be true to yourselves first.Take good care,Always be kind,Listen to your own heart,then the voice of another's will become clear,for they are not asking for a sacrifice,just a hand.

Coming Up For Air

After the last few years, and really the last decades,of navigating some pretty dense energies,You are finally coming up for air.As it so happens, while you were underwater, so to speak,everything changed!Imagine slogging thru dark deep water,only to surface into bright blue clear skies.Very unexpected!When you took your last breath to go under,Every particle of the air was different.That old, stale air permeated every cell of your body,while you under.So you can imagine the adjustment your body is going thru,after you come up for air in this very refined, very shimmerynew energy.While you were under, you thought you may have to grow gills,when the truth is now,You are free to grow wings!
