Do Yourselves A Favor
In the beautiful quick pace of this new energy,there can be, at times, an undercurrent of anxiety.It depends on how each nervous system reacts.Because of the speed,the sparkiness, the heat,that rides along side these times,Our advise, if you are feeling "hot wired",is to keep your nervous system in neutral.Do yourselves a favor and avoid loud sounds,loud music, arguments, alarms, anything that sets yourteeth on edge.Also disturbing media.Very sad or violent movies may be a bad idea if youwant your nervous system to remain in balance.Rushes of adrenalin in some people, will causean anxiety chain reaction.We want to caution you also in the excess use of caffeineand alcohol.When your nervous system feels jangled, or you want to avoid thatfeeling altogether, limit your intake of these substances.Certain people process high energy in their bodies asanxiety, with that fight or flight mechanism in overdrive.You know who you are, and so in order to remaincentered and calm, do yourselves a favor and pay attentionto your consumption.This will not last forever, so pay attention to your body,and this transition will be easier on you.