Posts tagged challenges
Coming to New Conclusions

Coming to New Conclusions

How can we ever come to new insights or conclusions about our lives if our existing reality is never challenged?That would be like only eating at the salad bar because you've never walked the whole buffet and seen the dessert cart.We are creatures of habit,Scared of any turbulence or bumps in the road.But can we learn to appreciate, even welcome, the rainy days when we only prefer clear skys?A certain amount of failure is necessary for success, because it sends us back to the drawing board.When something's not working, there is clarity in that realization.A certain amount of discomfort is good for our souls.We know we don't want to do that again!so it colors all our decisions.Like Abraham says, who comes through Esther Hicks, "When you know what you Don't want. You know what you DO want".I've come to this conclusion : that all the great gifts that have come to me in my life,were born out of soul searching that was either precipitated by dissatisfactionwith the status quo, or....I was dropped kicked by the Universe in the direction of a new life change.Either way, it felt like shit.So, Here's my NEW conclusion:Big change feels scary,It feels awkward, and uncomfortable and uncertain.Change is rude! It shows up unannounced, often at the most inopportune times, and tracks it's dirty feet through your life.It also does a number on your diet by making you eat raw cookie dough and cereal right out of the box!So what does this all mean?We can either hide under the bed,Or ...we can put our arms up, throw our heads back,And scream bloody murderAs we careen toward our brighter future,On the roller coaster of life,In full surrender mode,Knowing the Universe has our back.