Scare Yourselves
When you are young, you are introduced to new experiencesalmost daily.But as you get older, and more set in your ways,your life becomes more routine.You become a creature of habit, seeing the same people,going to the same places, by the same route, shopping at the same places,even eating the same thing for lunch every day!It is time to stretch yourselves.Move beyond what seems comfortable.Figure out something you've always wanted to do,and do it!Or someplace you've always wanted to visit,and go!Cut your hair, or try a different color, if that is a huge change for you.You can start slow, but you must act.Get the adrenaline rush that comes with doingsomething that seems different or scary.Yes! scare yourselves a little!Get up and dance in front of people,Make a toast at the next wedding you attend,Pick up and play an instrument you've always wanted to play.Do karaoke and Sing! loudly!Take an acting class,redecorate using more color,At the next event you attend, mingle more,and go up and start a conversation with a complete stranger.Make eye contact.Go to a midnight movie.There are probably 20 other thing you can think ofthat the thought of doing is so uncomfortable,and some that even scare you to death!Now is the time :)We challenge you to step out of complacencyand get that rush!