Striving for perfection,achieving perfection as you know it,is a losing proposition.It is like chasing your tail,and can only lead to frustration, anger,and disappointment.Holding yourself to high standards,is an admirable pursuit.But it must be done purely for your own growth,with your own yardstick,alone at your private finish line.Perfection is sneaky,and can feel as if it comes from inside you.But most often the picture of perfection,comes from the outside.The problem comes when you use the standards set by others.Society,"experts" ,your parents,Martha Stewart :)as the measure of what is perfection.That goal is an empty one,which can never really be met.It is fraught with obstacles.not enough time,not enough money,not the right people,things,skills,that look perfect to the rest of the world.You have set yourself up to fail,even before you get started,if the goal for every endeavor is perfection.And the criteria is not your own.Ask yourself before you start,Inside your own heart,"who am I going this for"?Then tell yourself the TRUTH.