Become Relevant

Being RelevantAs time continues to accelerateit is becoming critical that each and every personbecome relevantBy that we mean having a purpose outside your own self interests.It means finding the purpose for which you came forward into this life,and fulfilling its destinythat sounds big! We knowbut every cell of your being is called to its highest potential,so if you stay purely self-serving,you will have will feel conflictedYou will feel it in your body.Living with relevance for the good of others and the wholewill unlock all the doors you think are impassable.As you uplift your energy, and live your purpose,things will fall into place in all other avenues of your life.Staying closely connected to who you REALLY are,directs you to the next stepand the next, and beyondDisconnect..and you will falterEach and every one of you plays such an important role in the coming daysStay on point with why you are here, and the place you hold.Tune into the energy,and show up!
