I’m a spiritual pirate.

A Rebel.

I’m irreverent. I break “the rules”. I curse. I bust norms. I detest dogma. And I don’t take anything, especially myself, too seriously.

Sound familiar?
Come with me.

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I have borne witness to the mystical and some
may say the impossible.

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It’s no mistake you’re here,

I’ve been waiting for you!

I mentor women on meditation, managing their energy, and paying attention to their intuition.

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I believe every woman is a masterpiece.

Whether you're twenty-six or ninety-six you hold a unique spark
just waiting to be recognized. A superpower.

And that's where I come in. I see superpowers. Your light. Your largeness. The best version of you that the world is waiting for, and together, we set that free. Every Single Time that happens——it blows my mind! Which makes these the only conversations I'm interested in having!


Let’s Work Together




A community of women 50+, we deep dive into all those out of bounds, “age appropriate”, and cringe worthy topics from the practical to the mystical that we aren’t supposed to discuss in polite company.


I’m under no assumption that my way is the fastest or the best—

it just may be the most fun.

because we can hold two beliefs at the same time:
This shit is life changing—AND—there’s nothing serious going on here. 

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Hi, I’m Janet.

Over 40 years I’ve become a spiritual pirate, pillaging all of the disciplines, collecting the empowering pieces as treasures and throwing the dogma overboard. 

Along the way I’ve developed cheat codes. Shortcuts to help you find your way because life is too short to stay stuck.


Join The Mailling List.

(my web designer
made me do this)


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